Rod A.
2 min readJan 22, 2024

Navigating the Crypto Seas: A Beginner’s Guide to Due Diligence


The world of cryptocurrency is like an uncharted ocean, filled with opportunity but also riddled with uncertainties. For newcomers, the waves of information can be overwhelming, making the journey of investment seem daunting. But fear not, as this guide aims to be your compass in navigating these waters, focusing on the art of due diligence and research in crypto investments.

**The Challenge for Newcomers**

The primary challenge for those new to the crypto realm is understanding how to conduct effective due diligence. Unlike traditional markets, crypto assets are often driven by factors beyond just financials — community strength, technological innovation, and social media presence play pivotal roles.

**Step 1: Social Media Insight**

Start by diving into social media platforms like Twitter. Here, you can gauge a project's community engagement and follower authenticity. But beware of the siren's song — high follower counts can be misleading due to the possibility of artificial inflation.

**Step 2: Seeking Guidance from the Wise**

Next, turn your ship towards the experienced sailors of this sea — influencers and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). Their insights can be invaluable, but always remember to navigate with a critical eye, as their opinions may sometimes be clouded by personal interests.

**Step 3: Anchoring in Deeper Waters**

For a more in-depth understanding, sail into the depths of platforms like Medium. Articles here can offer comprehensive analyses of projects, away from the tumultuous surface of quick news and social media posts.

**Step 4: The Crew and the Craft**

A critical part of your journey is understanding who is steering the ship — the founders and team behind the project. Research their past voyages and expertise. Simultaneously, examine the vessel itself — the project. Evaluate its purpose, technology, and roadmap.

Embarking on your crypto journey requires more than just a map; it demands a keen eye and a willingness to delve deep. While this guide serves as a starting point, remember, the seas of crypto are ever-changing, and continuous learning is the key to navigating them successfully.


*Interested in more insights on crypto investment? Follow me on twitter for regular updates and guides.*


This article encapsulates your approach to due diligence in crypto investments, tailored for beginners. It uses metaphorical language related to navigation and exploration to make the concepts more relatable and engaging.

Rod A.

Tech Generalist| EA Specialist| Community Manager| Social Media Manager| Traveler Economist| Graphic Designer| Copywriter| Data Analyst | Blockchain Enthusiast|